ㅤNo one is coming to save you.ㅤ

ㅤGet up.ㅤ

ㅤBut in all chaos, there is calculation.ㅤ

ㅤIt's mortifying to be the one who remembers.ㅤ

ㅤStoryㅤㅤNaomi wakes up in one of the black coffins, having little memories of how they arrived at Night Raven College, along with having nothing to identify themselves with. They also do not possess any magic like the other students in this world, apparently. The magic mirror remarks that Naomi is "empty."Naomi is enrolled in Night Raven College with Grim as one student and lives in Ramshackle Dorm.

ㅤPersonalityㅤㅤNaomi is a rather blunt and straight-forward girl, not caring to mince words when it comes to her own thoughts and opinions - sometimes to a fault. She finds this helps with communicating with her friends and classmates since she's often described as 'unreadable', which bothers her very much.She is, however, incredibly kind, snarky and quick to rile up if someone pays especially close to her tendencies, leading her to either shy away or over explain herself.

Akamatsu is a petite, young girl with shaggy, dark brown hair and deep red eyes. She wears the standard NRC uniform with rolled up pant legs and a dark grey/blue vest and matching arm ribbon to represent the 'Ramshackle Dorms'.
She usually has a neutral, narrowed expression. She has been noted by some at her school to be quite pretty, albeit oddly intimidating.

Art by me. (@lilgildedstar)

  • ㅤnameㅤㅤNaomi

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤprefect, shutter bug

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤOct 14

  • ㅤageㅤㅤ17?

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤShe / They / He

  • ㅤspeciesㅤㅤHuman

  • ㅤheightㅤㅤ162 cm

  • ㅤdominant handㅤㅤorigin.

  • ㅤvoiced byㅤㅤAoi Yabusaki

  • ㅤGradeㅤㅤFreshman

  • ㅤClassㅤㅤClass A (No. 9)

  • ㅤClubㅤㅤFilm Research Club

  • ㅤBest SubjectㅤㅤPotionology

  • ㅤHobbiesㅤㅤPhotography

  • ㅤpet peevesㅤㅤdorm invasions

  • ㅤfavorite foodㅤㅤcinnamon rolls

  • ㅤleast favorite foodㅤㅤPeas

  • ㅤtalentㅤㅤscrapbooking

ㅤWhat a plot twist you were.ㅤ

School Uniform (Profile)

School Uniform

Dorm Uniform

Art by me. (@lilgildedstar)

ㅤIf the universe didn't need you, you would not be here.ㅤ